Indie Bands To Look Out For
People who knows me in real life would know my unhealthy obsession of indie bands. Not trying to be rare or a hipster mind you (LOL) but I've been into indie music for some years now. So this is basically my recommendation for you guys out there if you wanna start listening to indie or if you simply want new music to listen to. This is just my way of telling you some of my favorite bands and if you enjoy them, let me know because we could totally be best friends haha. If you have any similar recommendation, please don't hesitate to share with me. Good music are meant to be shared and I believe that music connects people.
PS. if you happen to find this post, I am not a music reviewer and this is not a music review blog, this is a personal blog and a personal recommendation based on my own interests. So, don't waste your time leaving rude comments okay? :)

Now that I think about it, Kodaline does have that Coldpay and Snow Patrol vibes (the two bands that I have been listening since elementary school)

PS. if you happen to find this post, I am not a music reviewer and this is not a music review blog, this is a personal blog and a personal recommendation based on my own interests. So, don't waste your time leaving rude comments okay? :)
- Kodaline
"Titles like “High Hopes”, “Brand New Day” and “Big Bad World” indicate the pasteurised, bloodless fare on offer here, with individual tracks styled around specific influences: the ersatz Keane sincerity of “After the Fall”, the strumming Mumfordry of “Love Like This”, the Coldplay-style piano and falsetto vocal catch of “All I Want”. Whether lamenting lost love, or fretting over the meaning of life and “what it's all about”, the songs are uniformly inflated to arena-size by blustery arrangements and singalong hooks..." -
Now that I think about it, Kodaline does have that Coldpay and Snow Patrol vibes (the two bands that I have been listening since elementary school)
Kodaline - All I Want
Watch the second part because I cried watching the second one lol.
- Daugther
And if you're in love, then you are the lucky one,
'Cause most of us are bitter over someone.
Setting fire to our insides for fun,
To distract our hearts from ever missing them.
But I'm forever missing him. - Youth by Daughter
Daughter - Youth
- The 1975
The 1975 - Chocolate
Favorite song of them.
- Arctic Monkeys
Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know
- The XX
The XX- Islands
Yeah, that's a wrap lol. 6 amazing bands, one personal taste. It's odd that these bands seem to have at least one thing in common and I guess you know what it is :P
This was fun so I might do a second part. Have a listen and tell me what you think.
Thanks for reading. Bye.
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