
Saturday 24 January 2015

The Start of The Mind

Finally a serious attempt for me to start a real blog. I had a blog back then in 2009 when I was still a school kid and I was posting in my Livejournal account like it was my personal diary. Happily, without regrets.. Now just thinking about it makes me cringe and facepalm myself in the face. Then I have a tumblr blog which I still occasionally post until now where I posted some of my writings there but I decided that I don't want to just write excerpts and essays and stories, I want to write about lots of things. And this time, I want to interact with people instead of just letting people read what I write. I want feedback. I want honest opinions. I want to read and to know more. I like to know more about a lot of things. I wanna improve my writing skills and hopefully one day I'll be able to write for haha. I love that site. 

So I'm going to post about my writings (excerpts, short stories that may or may not happen in my life haha, poems, lyrics), music (from music reviews to recommendations to the concerts or shows I attended), piano tutorials and covers (yes I play piano but this might take some time considering my keyboard now is having a problem and I think I have yet to buy a new one tsk), books recommendation (I'm a book nerd but not many people know about this), food (me and my friends are foodies and food-hunters), movies or tv shows, travels, DIY Projects and other stuff. Guess I should be working for my first post now. Wait sorry, I meant second.

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